Comiket, short for Comic Market, is a semiannual doujinshi convention held in Tokyo, Japan. The event is organized by the Comic Market Committee and is the largest fan convention in the world.
Overview of Comiket
- Name: Comic Market (Comiket)
- Frequency: Twice a year (Summer and Winter)
- Location: Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan
- Focus: Sale of doujinshi (self-published works)
- Organizers: Comic Market Preparatory Committee (ComiketPC)
- First Event: December 21, 1975
Comiket 106 (C106) Specifics
- Dates: August 16-17, 2025
- Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, utilizing East, West, and South exhibition halls
Key Features of Comiket
- Doujin Marketplace: The primary focus is on the sale of doujinshi, which are non-commercial, self-published works. Approximately 35,000 circles (groups or individuals) participate in selling their works.
- Cosplay: A significant aspect of Comiket, with dedicated changing rooms and cosplay areas.
- Industry Booths: Various companies also set up booths to showcase and sell their products related to anime, manga, and games.
Attendance and Participation
- Tickets: Entry requires a ticket or a wristband-type participation certificate. These can be purchased in advance, and each ticket is non-transferable and linked to the buyer’s identity.
- Health and Safety: Given the summer heat, attendees are advised to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions against heatstroke.
- Nearest Stations:
- Rinkai Line: Kokusai-Tenjijo Station (7-minute walk)
- Yurikamome Line: Tokyo Big Sight Station (3-minute walk)
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