Essential Japanese Phrases for Business Travelers



When traveling to Japan for business, mastering a few key Japanese phrases can significantly enhance your professional interactions. Whether you’re meeting with clients, attending meetings, or navigating daily situations, these phrases will help you communicate more effectively and leave a positive impression.

Basic Greetings and Polite Expressions

In Japan, politeness is highly valued, especially in business settings. Here are some essential greetings and responses to ensure you start on the right foot:

おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu): Good morning

Use this phrase to greet colleagues and clients in the morning.

こんにちは (Konnichiwa): Hello / Good afternoon

A versatile greeting that can be used throughout the day.

こんばんは (Konbanwa): Good evening

Use this greeting when meeting someone in the evening.

ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu): Thank you very much

Express gratitude with this phrase, which is appropriate in both formal and informal settings.

すみません (Sumimasen): Excuse me / I’m sorry

Use this to apologize or to politely get someone’s attention.

Key Business Terms

Understanding and using business-specific terms in Japanese can demonstrate your seriousness and commitment. Here are some commonly used terms:

リスケ (Risuke): Reschedule

Use this term when discussing changes to a meeting or project timeline.

クライアント (Kuraianto): Client

A straightforward term to refer to clients or customers.

アポ (Apo): Appointment

Short for “appointment,” this term is frequently used in scheduling meetings.

フィードバック (Fiidobakku): Feedback

Use this term when discussing reviews or comments on work.

Common Phrases for Professional Situations

In meetings and emails, certain phrases are frequently used to convey respect and professionalism. Here are some examples:

お世話になります (Osewa ni narimasu): Thank you for your support

Commonly used when initiating contact with someone in a business relationship.

よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu): I look forward to working with you

This phrase is essential when making requests or ending communications on a positive note.

お疲れ様です (Otsukaresama desu): Thank you for your hard work

A versatile phrase used among colleagues to acknowledge their efforts or simply as a greeting.

会議 (Kaigi): Meeting

Use this term when discussing or scheduling meetings.

資料 (Shiryou): Documents / Materials

Refers to documents or materials needed for meetings or projects.

確認 (Kakunin): Confirmation

Use this phrase when you need confirmation or verification on a task or detail.

Useful Phrases for Navigating Daily Interactions

Even outside the office, being able to communicate effectively in Japanese can make your business trip smoother. Here are some helpful phrases:

おたずねしてもいいですか? (Otazune shite mo ii desu ka?): May I ask you a question?

A polite way to request information or assistance.

どの電車? (Dono densha?): Which train?

Use this when navigating public transportation to ensure you are on the correct route.

わかりません (Wakarimasen): I don’t understand

Indicates that you did not understand what was said. A useful phrase when you need something explained again.

もう一度お願いします (Mou ichido onegaishimasu): Please say that again

Request a repeat of information when necessary.


Learning and using these Japanese phrases during your business trip can greatly enhance your experience and demonstrate your respect for Japanese culture. Even small efforts to communicate in the local language can help you build stronger relationships and ensure successful business outcomes.